Sample Sorting Plugin Database

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For more detailed information on a given product please see the review that will report on any weird bugs or issues encountered.

Browsing Style: Visual Maps means the plug-in generates a map the user uses to select sounds as opposed to a browser based system.

Ability to Group Sample Packs: The ability to create groups of packs to sort and use instead of having to use all packs at the same time. This is not the ability to turn packs on or off but rather the ability to group several packs into one macro that only searches those packs without the need to toggle other packs back on or off. Atlas 2 does this with their "Maps" concept.

AI Sort:An algorithm is used to sort and select samples.

Sequencer: if a sequencer to generate rhythms is present.

Sequence Pitch Info: Ability to sequence notes and pitch information.

Stacking: Ability to trigger multiple samples with one note.

Loop Auto Chopping: Ability to slice a loop for you instead of placing loop slicing yourself.

Drag and Drop Export:The ability to drag supported export types directly into the project from the plugin without dialog boxes.

Record In: Ability to record midi performances to internal plugin sequencer.

Access to samples: Direct access to the physical samples provided so that a host isn't needed to get to them.

Intuition: A loose judgment on how intuitive the interface is. How quickly you can make small and large adjustments. Every time I have to look something up this score goes down.

Installation Pain: On a few occasions the installation process was so bad that the plugin wasn't worth it. Most libraries have streamlined the installation process so that it is not bad, but it is noted here.